[OT] YDL 4.0

Norberto Quintanar yellowdog-general@lists.terrasoftsolutions.com
Mon Jul 12 22:29:00 2004

--- David Hacker <t> wrote:
> I thought this was supposed to be a list to try to help with
> peoples  
> problems with the software, not to whine about why the company is  
> taking it's time to release a free project.  The press releases
> have  
> all said that they are working on bugs and problems to make it
> better.   
> I would think that it would be better to have a stable release when
> it  
> comes out then have more problems, and people complaining that it  
> doesn't work right.
> David C. Hacker, DVM

David, this is the YDL "users" list, not the PCI-Powermacs list or
any other list hosted over at Maclaunch.  We're more like the wild
wild west - "Deadwood" - not stuffy New England.  People whine and
gripe here on this list and for the most part we don't chastise
people, we all have a good time and play nice.  We help each other
solve problems, ignore those we don't agree with and get help from
those that offer it up.  But please, for the love of god let's not
turn this into a list that chastises people for off-topic discussion.
 Or worse has a list-nazi telling us what's appropriate and what

<mocking maclaunch list>
"Hey, you can't talk about the Apple IIe on our list!  All we talk
about here is the 603e chip and by golly if you discuss the IIe or
the LC575 you're banned!!!!  What did you just say!!  You're running
OSX on a 7600!?  That's it, your IP is banned forever!!!  I'm
submitting your name to every apple store in the coutnry and you'll
never get your Apple warranty satisfied anywhere!  EVER!!!! 
</mocking maclaunch list>

Now let's get back to our regularly scheduled Gento and Debian are
better than YDL flame war!!

--Norberto Quintanar 

"You belong to something bigger. From birth. And your life is spent rediscovering the underlying principles, through various players -- coaches, mentors, teachers, spouses, kids. It's in your genes. Your responsibility. Destiny. Is all on you.  Lead, follow, or get out of the way."  
--Norberto Quintanar

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