OS X and Linux on x86

Rick Thomas yellowdog-general@lists.terrasoftsolutions.com
Wed Jul 14 14:19:01 2004

Sorry, it's reality check time...

Microsoft would squash them like a bug if they tried anything like that.


Ryan Nix wrote:
> On the contrary, J.T.  If you build it, and there is demand, which there
> is, people will buy it.
> Have you ever run Codeweavers or Transgaming X on Linux x86?  It's
> awesome.  Both offerings have come a long way in 2 years.  Native
> Windows applications from Office XP to Jedi Knight both run extremely
> well even though they were written for Windows.  If Apple put some
> resources behind Wine, they could have HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of  Windows
> applications running on OS X right out of the box.
> Secondly, why wouldn't Adobe recompile all their apps to x86 if there
> was demand?  Wouldn't be any work at all, especially if you did direct
> purchase/distribution over the web.
> t