Yellowdog 3.0.1 PPC - no visible cursor

Longman, Bill
Mon Jul 19 09:12:01 2004

> I'm confused about your problem.  If the cursor blinks from white to
> black instead of from black to white it seems that it would still be
> visible (just the other half of the time), so I assume that you mean
> that it "blinks" from black to black.  But then how do you know that
> it is blinking (or even there at all)?

It's blinking black because he has seen other colors before, like red. When
it's blinking black, it obviously doesn't blink. It's erratic behaviour of
the screen.

I'd just put something like this in my .profile:

PS1='[\w]\n\[\033[01;32m\]\h\[\033[01;37m\]\$\[\033[00m\] '

since that *is* my PS1....