iBook x config

Ben Brodie yellowdog-general@lists.terrasoftsolutions.com
Sat, 31 Jul 2004 12:12:57 -0400

I have an iBook 1ghz. The only way for me to get x server to work is in 
8 bit with Xautoconfig --safe or with the Generic OF driver option... 
it is almost impossible to use the machine in 8 bit color. Ive tried 
everything and can't seem to get a normal screen setting. I went to 
www.xfree86.org and noticed that they don't support ATI radeon mobility 
9200. The yellowdog site says Linux works on the iBook, though. 
According to yellowdog, all I have to do is Xautconfig --fbdev. I have 
tried that command many times and it does not work. Neither does 
Xauconfig. I have no idea how to fix this problem. Will there be an 
update with a fix? Is there something else I can do? Please help. Also, 
I'm a newbie so when explaining to me what to do, please be clear about 
it so I understand.