hello newbies question kopete and gaim re thx

mascarasnake yellowdog-general@lists.terrasoftsolutions.com
Wed Jun 2 10:45:03 2004


Sorry, sometimes I get ahead of myself.

> well thx  you for that rapid answer   but the link that  you gave me    
> dont  work :(
> second  and please   im  such a newbies  that my pant are  still wet    
> and also im only english speaking  on the second degree   ( im french  
> canadian ).

No problem. I'm bored and don't have to be at work till this afternoon,  
so happy to help out. Sorry about the link. for some reason a space got  
inserted into it. mea culpa.

>  so i kmow that annoying  but its may take some time before i  get  
> everything done
> but feeel free  to tell me to go f...k myself   its its  too much  
> trouble :) i wont feel bad .

That's not what the list is here for. I have had my fair share of being  
annoying, and will (no doubt) have many more in the future.

So anyway, until your pants dry, I'll slow it down a bit for you.

yum relies on a file in the /etc/ directory called "yum.conf". This  
file points yum to the URLs (called repositories) that have all the  
packages, headers, etc.

Using your favorite text editor (as root), add the lines:

	[freshrpms YDL 3.0]
	name=Yellow Dog Linux 3.0 freshrpms

to the end of the file and then save it.

This is a repository created and maintained by the gentleman who just  
built a thunderbird rpm for us (if you've been following the list this  
morning), Matthias Saou. He puts together apps that YDL can't or  
doesn't put together for us. Bob awesome of him, I think.

Now, for installing gaim. first run:
	yum list mozilla*
this will give you a list of the mozilla packages available and  
installed. This should have been done automatically when you installed  
YDL, but just make sure that you have mozilla-nss and mozilla-nspr  
installed. gaim needs these to get through MSN's security. I don't know  
if Matthias built those in or not, but just to be safe... If they are  
not installed, install them.

Next (as root) run:
	yum update gaim
in a couple of minutes, you should be happily running gaim v0.76 with  
MSN support - Thanks again to Mr. Saou.

> since  you seem a brain  on linux do  you have a few idea on  the new  
> version of ydl ....

Thank you, but I'm far from a brain on linux, just a guy with too much  
free time. As far as the new release of YDL (4.0), I'm as clueless as  
most of us. Awaiting it's release wit baited breath. you can check out  
this thread
and this link for a little info

A couple of things for you.

	Post responses and all that to the list. Not so much that I mind the  
personal email (some folks do, however), but even responses that are  
"What did you say?" can help out the entire community.

	Some resources you might want to give a whirl:
	- The mailing list archives. At the top right of every Yellow Dog web  
page has a search box that allows you to search the mailing lists, and  
most newbie questions have been encountered before. This will keep you  
from getting hit with "RTFM" and "STFW"
	- the linux man pages. start out with yum and rpm (having to do with  
packages on YDL) to get your feet wet:

		man yum
		man rpm

	- There's a really cool, brand new, extremely helpful site under  
construction that has lots of info that is YDL intensive. check out the  
unofficial YDL FAQ site here:



	It's what you make it man
	Takes time
	A little bit
	A little bit more

			-The Minutemen

On Jun 2, 2004, at 11:24 AM, junior gagne wrote:

> thx a lot
> reno