G3/300 and US Robotics Serial modem...

Marcelo Giles yellowdog-general@lists.terrasoftsolutions.com
Wed Jun 2 11:32:01 2004

Gossamer? Pismo? WallStreet? Lombard...?
Where do you people get those code names from?? You seem to speak in 
some jargon I can't understand. I've been using Macs since 1986 
(Macintosh Plus, I believe) and I've never heard this bunch of a.k.a. 
names before. But you seem to feel quite at ease using them... Is there 
a list somewhere? Not at www.apple.com, for sure.


On Wednesday, June 2, 2004, at 11:54  AM, nathan wrote:

>   Hello all,
>   I ventured back into the YDL 3.0.1 install on my G3/300 Gossamer 
> (384mgs
> ram, 2mgs VRAM). To try and get my external modem to work.. After 
> giving up
> about 3 months ago after who know's how many wasted hours of trying..