To Matthias Saou

Wed Jun 2 13:09:31 2004

Matthias Saou wrote:
> Geert Janssens wrote :
>>Well, I have one for you. I see several people are interested in a YDL 
>>package for Thinderbird, the stand alone e-mail client from mozilla.
> Sure, I'll try building it right now :-)
> Dag ( ) and I share a common subversion
> repository for all our spec and related files, so as thunderbird is something
> he already builds for Red Hat Linux and Fedora Core, it's quite easy for me
> to just throw the existing into a Yellow Dog Linux system to be rebuilt ;-)
> (minus the eventual ppc specific problems... x86 mmx or asm stuff being the
> most common, but I doubt thunderbird will be affected by something like that)
> Matthias

on a slight tangent, i'd just like to share that ever since discovering 
freshrpms almost 2 years ago, my experience on redhat 9 went from "this 
is good" to "WOW. THIS ROCKS".

talk about instant workstation...nothing but fun on my x86 systems.

now if i can get my brand new 1000mhz 12" ibook running some form of 
linux...i'll be happy.  (i can get console using video=ofonly, but no X, 
i even built a 2.6 benh kernel)

many thanks,