Cannot change volume in xmms

Clinton MacDonald
Thu Jun 10 16:01:02 2004

Mr. Lanni:

Thanks for your insight:

Anthony Lanni wrote:
> Clint, I didn't see a final resolution to this issue

Because there was no final resolution!

> so I tried it out on my Powerbook G3 Pismo - I have the
> same problem with my sound (actually I have several,
> but I'll get to that later). I followed this thread with
> interest, and found that using the Volume Control app
> (through 'Sound and Video') I could change the volume,
> not with the main volume control, but with the speaker
> control next to it.

That's interesting -- I could not even do that. I should point out that 
I cannot perform any more tests because my Wallstreet has been removed 
from Yellow Dog Linux service. This is so that I could give it to a 
friend, and I have not yet had time to bring the "Yellow Pup" (Son of 
Yellow Dog, a PowerMac 7500) online.

> On a whim I poked the volume control buttons on the
> keyboard, and had control there, too. I suspect that
> pbuttonsd is capturing the volume control; I don't have
> this issue on my G4 tower, which doesn't have pbuttons
> running.

That is a very interesting hypothesis. I would not be surprised it the 
pbbuttonsd software were hijacking *all* sound control. That would 
explain my problems exactly (it doesn't help that pbbuttonsd is a bit 
unstable, at least on my Wallstreet).

>> On Fri, 2004-05-14 at 21:51, Clinton MacDonald wrote:
>>> I cannot change the volume in xmms (Yellow Dog Linux 3.0 with latest 
>>> updates running on a PowerBook G3 Series Wallstreet). Clicking and 
>>> moving the volume widget has no effect on sound volume (see my 
>>> workarounds, below). Does anyone else have this problem? Better still, 
>>> does anyone else know how to fix it?

Best wishes,

Dr. Clinton C. MacDonald | <mailto:clint DOT macdonald AT sbcglobal DOT net>