Installing YDL 3.0 on a Mac G3

Geert Janssens
Thu Jun 17 03:59:01 2004

R. Hirschfeld wrote:
>>Date: Wed, 16 Jun 2004 10:35:55 +0200
>>From: Geert Janssens <>
>>It was rather late last night as I wrote this e-mail. This morning I 
>>rechecked, and I can't boot (anymore?) from the YDL CDs.
>>I'm still confused myself, because I have such a vivid memory of doing 
>>so before. I remember I needed to use CD-R's with 650Mb capacity in 
>>stead of 700Mb, as apparently, the CD drives weren't capable of booting 
>>from a 700Mb capacity CD-R. (Got this info from this mailing list, or 
>>the Linux PPC's).
> Did you ever use LinuxPPC?  If so, perhaps you're thinking of its
> install CD, which included a minimal MacOS system so that you could
> boot from it on an Old World machine.  I remember being puzzled that I
> couldn't boot from CD when I switched from LinuxPPC to YDL.
LinuxPPC was my first hands on experience with Linux on mac (and pc for 
that matter).
But no, I was talking about YDL. I thought I managed to boot it one day 
on an old world G3. At least it is a beautiful dream :-)

BTW, if I remember correctly (which I'm not too sure about anymore;-) ) 
the Linux PPC install CD did not contain a minimal MacOS. It was a 
combination of Miboot and a kernel. But they were renamed and their 
creator and id altered to fool old world macs to *think* they were 
dealing with a Mac OS system on CD.

