Yum/HD issues

Jason Warm yellowdog-general@lists.terrasoftsolutions.com
Fri Jun 18 12:42:01 2004

Try getting yourself a GUI rpm manager called Synaptic, can't remember the
url but Google it shouldn't be a problem finding it.


<quote who="Brian Whitesides">
> I am running YDL 3.01 on a Wallstreet G3.  My computer works just fine for
> what I need of it, but the one persistent problem is the lack of hard
> drive
> space.  A 2 GB HD is pretty pathetic, I know, but I can't help but think
> how
> much of what's installed is pure clutter.
> Doing a "yum list installed" it comes up with tons of stuff I don't even
> recognize, and when I go through the painstaking process of "yum info
> [package]" I occasionally find something useless for my needs and erase
> it.
> However this takes forever and most packages are only a few 100 kb anyway.
> Does anyone have any tips/tricks for a better way of removing packages
> that
> they don't have much use for?  Or a way to organize the yum installed list
> by size so I don't waste my time with the small stuff?
> -Brian

Jason Warm