firefox (from freshrpms) won't start if not root
Sun Jun 20 13:14:01 2004

I just installed YDL 3 on an iBook2.
The first thing to do was to get yum fixed up, with freshrpms.
And the next thing was to do "yum install firefox".
If I am root, firefox works fine. But as an ordinary user,
firefox dies on me after a few moments, without any firefox
X window appearing, and without any error messages (when I
start it from the command line). Similarly, started from the YDL
start menu, firefox appears briefly on the Gnome panel, only to
disappear again in a few moments.

Anyone seen this behaviour before? Starting firefox was probably
one of the first steps I took on internet as non root user.
On the other hand, mozilla does work.

Yours mystified