TeX, Lies, and Yellow Dog Linux

Donu Arapura yellowdog-general@lists.terrasoftsolutions.com
Wed Mar 17 21:27:01 2004

> MacDevCenter has posted a part 2 to LaTeX (see 
> http://www.macdevcenter.com/pub/a/mac/2004/03/05/latex.html).  Which 
> covers the basic of LaTeX.
> ...

I realize this topic is fairly old, but I haven't looked at this
list lately. Anyway this comment is only indirectly related.

I use latex under yellowdog on an old G4 desktop (450 Mhz,448 ram)
and macosx on a new powerbook (1.25 Ghz G4, 1Gb ram). My setup
for  macosx is similar to the one described above. The
powerbook is lot faster for most things, as one would expect.
However, (la)tex is an exception; it seems to run a bit faster
on the old yellowdog machine. For the book that I'm working on,
about 11sec vs 13sec if I compile the whole thing in one run
(usually I compile only a chapter at time).

Don't get me wrong, I like macosx, but linux does seem to have
a lot less overhead. I wouldn't dream of putting macox on my
desktop G4.

- Donu