RSS News Reader software?

Wed Mar 31 08:24:01 2004

Thanks for the binary link. I have tried a couple of times in the past 
to compile it with dependency problems.

There is also "RSS Reader Panel" available as a "extension" to Mozilla 
FireFox (if you can get the FireFox source compiled and running on YDL. 
;)  I use it on my Red Hat machine and am quite happy with it.


Konstantin Ryabitsev wrote:
> Clinton MacDonald wrote:
>> Konstantin:
>> Thanks for the tip. Straw for Linux looks *great*!
>> Except... darn. This is how I still suck at Linux in general, and YDL in
>> particular. I downloaded straw from the Web site. Not a problem.
> You're in luck. :)
> These are the only two you need. The version is slightly older, because 
> YDL is about a year behind in terms of how current its software is, so 
> there are several deps that can't be satisfied with a newer version. 
> 21.1 works just fine.
> You'll probably run into several dependencies when installing the RPMs, 
> but they should all be installable via yum.
> Regards,