Fedora Core 3

Jerry S. jer_57 at cox.net
Thu Nov 11 09:06:20 MST 2004

Hello Yellow,

Thursday, November 11, 2004, 8:44:06 AM, you wrote:
RN> thing I haven't figured out, is how to play DVDs with Xine or Mplayer.
RN> /dev/cdrom and /dev/cdrom1 have changed now.

  If you look in /etc/fstab I think you will see that /dev/cdrom is
  now /media/cdrom.  Same goes for floppy and on my system, /dev/zip moved
  to being /media/floppy while /dev/floppy is now /media/floppy1

  At least those where the default upgrade changes (from FC2 to FC3).
  This is all on x86 though.

Best regards,

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