Semi newbie question

Clinton MacDonald
Sat, 04 Sep 2004 20:49:39 -0500

Mr. Doug:

GDB-B&W-YDL3.0.1 wrote:
> Thanks David, I will give that a shot. I just assumed
> that it was HFS. I also have an OS9 partition on the
> drive, should it be HFS+ also? I'm actually more of a
> stranger to Mac stuff than Linux, so would I be better
> off just creating a plain ol' HFS partition like you
> mentioned?

"HFS" is the older (pre-Mac OS 8) Apple filesystem while "HFS+" is the 
newer filesystem (Mac OS 8, 9, and X). Support for HFS+ is reportedly 
shaky, even with Yellow Dog Linux 3.0.1 (or, at least, we hear 
occasional complaints about it in the Yellow Dog mailing lists). I don't 
really know, since I pretty much stuck to YDL 3.0 which lacks HFS+ support.

I chose to make an "interchange" HFS partition in the Mac OS so that I 
could transfer files between the HFS+ side and the YDL side; you can see 
the HFS partition from the Mac OS, YDL, and from the really cool 
Mac-on-Linux (MOL). Here's what I did (make a backup, because you will 
have to reformat your drive):


Good luck!

Best wishes,

Dr. Clinton C. MacDonald | <mailto:clint DOT macdonald AT sbcglobal DOT net>