A few things

Steve Roy yellowdog-general@lists.terrasoftsolutions.com
Tue, 07 Sep 2004 15:00:03 -0400

On Sep 7, 2004, at 12:44 PM, Clinton MacDonald wrote:

> No, it is true. The format is completely different. The Intel x86 
> processor series is an entirely different architecture than the 
> PowerPC series on which modern Macs are based. In fact, the PowerPC 
> series of processors is entirely different than the 680x0 series of 
> Motorola processors that preceded it (one of Apple's greatest 
> achievements, which was largely invisible to the end user, was porting 
> their operating system from the 680x0 processor to the PowerPC 
> processor without a hiccough -- much of this was done through a 
> complicated emulation layer that intercepted 680x0 calls).

Good point. I was forgetting that even though it's the same OS, the 
processor underneath is different. I think I'll give a shot at 
compiling Thunderbird on YDL if I have time tonight and see what I get.


Steve Roy <sroy@mac.com>
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