A few things

Ed Sutherland yellowdog-general@lists.terrasoftsolutions.com
Tue, 7 Sep 2004 17:55:09 -0400

> > On Sep 7, 2004, at 12:44 PM, Clinton MacDonald wrote:
> distributions on the same platform. If Linux is going to become a=20
> "desktop OS," it will have to overcome these kinds of issues -- issues=20
> that make Linux seem just as "proprietary" as closed source software.

I was scanning headlines from Newsforge (A Linux-centric online publication=
and there was an article making that point. Linux is not immune to the 'ven=
lock-in' charges leveled at others, such as Microsoft or Apple. One of the
major hindrances to Linux becoming a desktop OS (rather than mostly a serve=
or terminal) is the incompatibility of packaging schemes.
