YDL 4.0 question

Ryan Nix yellowdog-general@lists.terrasoftsolutions.com
Thu, 09 Sep 2004 16:15:37 -0500

no one really knows.  Anaconda still has some serious bugs.

Personally, I don't know why they don't just give it away now so people 
can help fix it and they can finally release it.

geno endicott wrote:

>I am sure someone has already asked this but could find it. When is 4.0 going to
>be out for free download?
>"when you die," says a dark-haired woman at the next table, "they can make you
>into diamonds now. It's scientific. That's how I want to be remembered. I want
>to shine."
>-neil gaiman
>yellowdog-general mailing list
>HINT: to Google archives, try  '<keywords> site:terrasoftsolutions.com'

Ryan Nix
Prometheon, Inc
phone 312.286.5718
fax 312.552.2381
email rnix@prometheon.net