FedoraPPC installation error

Ryan Nix yellowdog-general@lists.terrasoftsolutions.com
Thu, 09 Sep 2004 17:56:43 -0500

I had that error last week.

You need to specify the mount point, thats all.  Anaconda doesn't do it 
automatically yet, like YDL 3.0.1

Brian Gilman wrote:

> Hello all,
>     Looks like anaconda is barfing on install. The error message is:
>     Partition map has no partition map entry!
>     this occurs at line 692 in partedUtils.py in savePartitions()
>     Does anyone else know how to fix this? I'm not an anaconda wizkid 
> so can't really offer much except for debugging output etc.
>                             Best,
>                                     -B