YDL 4.0.1 FireWire drive installation failure

Bill Mueller bmueller at terrasoftsolutions.com
Wed Aug 10 16:07:42 MDT 2005

> the way back into the installation process to see what Disk Druid could tell
> me and I see /dev/sda broken down into the following:
> /dev/sda2 Apple Bootstrap 1 1 1
> /dev/sda3 ext3 129951 1 16567
> /dev/sda4 swap 1020 16567 16697
> /dev/sda5 ext3 100 16697 16710

Two ways to do this one, elbow deep in command line, or retry with manual
partitioning (disk druid)

disk druid:  Remove all the partitions on the drive.  Create minimum 2 
partitions (1 ext3 partition mounted at /, and 1 apple bootstrap partition).  
Dont create swap unless you really need to, it's kinda slow over FW.  Then just
install as normal.

For the hard way, I'll need two more bits of info would help to figure this 

1.  Grab me the disk labels for /dev/sda3 and /dev/sda5
   - boot into installer, switch to console (alt+ctrl+F2)
   - Type:
          e2label /dev/sda3 [enter]
          e2label /dev/sda5 [enter]

2.  Mount up which ever label returns a "/" or "/1" and check out the 
yaboot.conf file:
    - from the console you are on type:
          mkdir /tmp/mnt
          mount /dev/sdaX /tmp/mnt -text3          (where X= the "/" device)
          cd /tmp/mnt/etc
          cat yaboot.conf

     - send me what the "boot=" and "device=" lines read.

Chances are the bootstrap partition didn't get installed, or yaboot.conf is 
pointing to the wrong place.

I'll have the beta ironed out shortly, but once we figure out where we are it 
should be simple to get you up and running.


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