Ethernet Issues

Anthony Lanni anthony.lanni at
Mon Aug 15 20:29:59 MDT 2005

On 8/3/05, S.M. Hackett <smhackett at> wrote:
> How can I get my 1 ghz Ti. Powerbook running YDL 4 to recognize my
> ethernet? I can't get online with it. I am kinda new to the whole
> Linux scene, so I would like some help!

Try this command first:

ifconfig -a

     This will show you your interfaces and their stats.  'eth0' is
the default for the first ethernet device.
     The files that control your networking interface live in
/etc/sysconfig.  /etc/sysconfig/network will often be just a couple of
lines.  Here's mine:


     Of course, your hostname will vary.  :)  Then take a look in the
following directory:
You'll see a whole bunch of files and executables.  vi (or pico, or
emacs, or, heck, just plain cat) the file called 'ifcfg-eth0'.  That's
short for Interface Configuration, FYI.  This is the file that
controls your ethernet interface (assuming, of course, that it is on
eth0.  As I said, it should default there).  Here's what mine looks


   Naturally not all of these are necessary.  For instance, I could
probably dump the 'dhcp_hostname' and 'ipv6init' lines.  Also there
are a lot more options; google is your friend.  :)

  Now that you've taken a quick glimpse at the basic files, allow me
to introduce you to the gui.  Use the following command:


     Or, from the main menu, System Tools=>Network Device Control. 
This will bring up a gui that allows you to add, delete, and configure
your ethernet interface.  The files I showed you before will be
modified by the gui; when you're done making changes, run:

service network restart

     Hopefully, if all goes well, you'll see 
Bringing up interface eth0:                                [  OK  ]

     And this time when you run ifconfig -a you'll see an IP address
in the eth0 details.
Good luck!


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