Its not 'multi tasking' anymore? LONG

Andrew virgule88 at
Sun Feb 13 16:29:28 MST 2005

On Sun, 2005-02-13 at 18:17, Joseph E. Sacco, Ph.D. wrote:

 Mr. Sacco, its a bullseye! Especially for the 3rd point... 
Thats why I thoughts I could just rebuild all the SRPMS off the CDs
making sure there is no debug (I don't know debugging anyway).

 I experimented a few kernels (from TSS's 2.4 series up to 2.6.10) they
are more or less the same, + / - a few percent faster or slower. So
thats it.

 Thats frustrating me quite a bit. Im used to be such a knowledgeable 
Mac-person. Pretension apart, not much MacOS problems could resist me. I
even found a way to boot VirtualPC without MacOS on top of it.. I mean
to load it right after the 'happy mac' icon. It was quite an improvment
speed wise. GNU/Linux is a new world, a BIG FAT new world. Its a better
world, I think, but is far from the simplicity of moving icons around to
resolve problems and conflicts.. hehe.

> Andrew,
> I have also witnessed similar behavior:
> (1) 2.4.6 does not appear to multi-task as well as 2.4.x
>     [G4-silver with dual 533MHz]
> (2) graphics is notably slower.
> (3) Intensive I/O loads/swamps the system.
> For example, unpack a huge tarball in one window and try to edit a file
> in another window.
> -Joseph
> ============================================================================
> On Sun, 2005-02-13 at 17:42, Andrew wrote:
> >  I need and want thoughts from the best fellows out there.
> > Some will remember that I complained my system were behaving strangely:

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