Its not 'multi tasking' anymore? LONG

Cian Duffy myob87 at
Sun Feb 13 17:45:28 MST 2005

On Sun, 13 Feb 2005 19:35:43 -0500, Joseph E. Sacco, Ph.D.
<joseph_sacco at> wrote:
> Agreed... With ever bigger, faster, stronger, ..., computers, engineers
> don't need to be as careful as they used to be. When in doubt, throw
> more hardware at the problem.

Exactly. In most everyday circumstances, my YDL machine feels as or
less snappy and responsive than my SGI Indy.

Which is a 120Mhz MIPS machine. With 32MB RAM and a 380MB
'half-height' (CD-ROM height) SCSI disk.

For web browsing, the ancient IRIX it has and Netscape is faster than
Mozilla on YDL or BeOS on my machines which are officially 10x the
speed (1.2Ghz G4, 1.2Ghz PIII).

BeOS was engineered for 200Mhz machines so its refreshingly fast when
running its own applications (not behemoth ports like Mozilla) on fast
hardware. But recent Linux distros are engineered for 2000Mhz machines
and hence feel horribly slow on anything lower....

"We're busy running out of time"
Bernard Sumner, 1993

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