RFC: YDL Extras

Ken Barber kenb at nu-world.com
Thu Jan 6 12:23:25 MST 2005

On Wednesday 05 January 2005 10:14 pm, Owen Stampflee wrote:
> > > Also, what legality level would be accepted for packages? Would
> > > potentially patent encumbered packages - such as full XMMS, ffmpeg,
> > > mplayer, vlc, Handbrake, and so on, be allowed.

> > Matthias Saou is also looking 
> > for RPM builders to help him out,

> The policy is very simple... if there are any legal issues... it doesnt
> get in. I know this limits us alot,

The solution to this is the same as it is for the Fedora folks.  There is no 
reason for them or TSS to stray into gray areas when there are some really 
fine 3rd-party repositories out there.

Regardless of what I said in my Newsforge article last month (remember, it's 
aimed at business users who need to be more conservative than most of us 
here), the 3rd party repos are IMO doing an outstanding job.  And regardless 
of what I was told while researching said article, Matthias "gets it" 
regarding his principles about not changing core components.

I've been using FreshRPMs since the Red Hat 9 days, and I cannot remember ever 
having a package (for either Red Hat, Fedora, or YDL) from his repo that 
caused a problem.

The "questionable license" stuff belongs on FreshRPMs or one of its 
affiliates.  That's the way it's working in the RH/Fedora world, and it's 
working well.  Business users can stay away from it simply by never using 
those repos, and home users can get pretty much whatever they want.

Talk to Matthias.  I don't know him, but I know someone who does.  He seems to 
be a reasonable fellow, and I think you'll find him approachable.


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