OT: Linux car MP3 player on a PowerBook

Derick Centeno aguilarojo at verizon.net
Thu Jan 6 18:32:45 MST 2005

On Thu, 2005-01-06 at 16:27, Cian Duffy wrote:
> Bah! My car has a QNX-on-probably-ARM powered MP3 player in it by
> default. And its only a Fiat :-) No need for a fancy Volvo or
> destroying a PowerBook that could be used for running YDL....
> Cian

Hi Cian:
I think there may exist an article written for MacAddict (go figure) on
how to mod your car so that that MP3 unmentionable you complain about
can be replaced by an iPod!  A bit of magic or just determined
engineering for the "insanely great", who knows?  You can check out the
articles, their website, chat rooms and so on for further info. at 
http://www.macaddict.com faster than I could find the thing manually.

This is really very weird but I wonder if you are aware that someone
figured out how to run Linux on an iPod and dual boot from Apples OS
running the iPod to Linux!  The thing, the Linux OS, works well and
faster than Apples, but it doesn't have nifty features some iPod users
like.  Still it is Linux and it is open source.  Here's the link:


Why didn't TerraSoft pursue this angle?  Think of it as a company
pursuing an business model adding value to open source for PPC systems
which is already a niche market.  It is probably for the best that
someone else went down this iPod/Linux road.

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