SOLVED: Apple Media Keys w/ YDL 4?

Albrecht Dreß albrecht.dress at
Fri Jan 14 11:10:57 MST 2005

Am 27.12.04 19:15 schrieb(en) Albrecht Dreß:
> Did anyone have success using the media keys (volume and cd eject) on a  
> Apple Pro keyboard? I tried pbbuttonsd (coming with ydl 4) and evkeyd  
> (from Owen's website) without success. My system is a G4 "Silver" with a  
> self-compiled 2.6.9 kernel.
> The strange thing, btw, is that I don't see *any* event coming from  
> these keys. I ran "showkey" on the console, but these four keys don't  
> trigger an event. Are there any "special" kernel  
> settings/drivers/configs necessary?

To answer myself, I have now the media keys with the above system setup!  
The trick was an upgrade to kernel 2.6.10 from, which compiles  
painlessly ootb. The Changelog notes:

: <torvalds at>
:	usb: don't "unsuspend" ports that aren't suspended
:	It apparently really confuses some things (Apple keyboard
:	internal hub for one, but possibly others).

Sounds as if YDL should provide an upgrade rpm for those who don't want to  
learn how to compile the kernel, right?

Cheers, Albrecht.

  Albrecht Dreß  -  Johanna-Kirchner-Straße 13  -  D-53123 Bonn (Germany)
        Phone (+49) 228 6199571  -  mailto:albrecht.dress at
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