YDL off the cutting edge

R. Hirschfeld ray at unipay.nl
Sun Jan 30 03:09:25 MST 2005

For anyone from TerraSoft on the list, will security updates and the
like be backported to YDL 3.0.1 or has support for that version
essentially stopped?

I have an Old World machine (Wallstreet PowerBook) and I'm try to
decide whether to stick with YDL (which I'd prefer) or switch to
another distribution.

Alternatively I can hold out until YDL 4.1 (or 4.0.1) is released on
CD if it will include a kernel that will run on an Old World machine
(my understanding--please correct me if I'm wrong--is that 4.0 does
not but that it is relatively easy to include this).  I realize that
TerraSoft has dropped official support for Old World machines but I
can handle the setup myself if I can at least boot the installer from
the CD using the kernel and ramdisk supplied.  Will that be possible
with the next release?  Is there a tentative timeframe yet for this?


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