Future of YDL?

Albrecht Dreß albrecht.dress at arcor.de
Mon Jun 6 13:27:21 MDT 2005

Am 06.06.05 20:43 schrieb(en) Clinton MacDonald:
> This is incredibly impotent and momentous news for the Macintosh  
> platform. Nevertheless, it is entirely off-topic for this list.

I am sorry, but I disagree at this point, as this move immediately raises  
the question about YDL's future.

In a simplified view, YDL 4.0 is more or less FC for PPC. So I guess on a  
x86 Mac we could immediately use FC 4 (or Debian, SuSE, Knoppix, ...) like  
on any other x86 machine. [OT: maybe even with less difficulties on the  
latter ones if Apple stays to be reluctant to provide hardware information  
for developers.]

And will Terrasoft continue to provide a ppc linux for the old ppc boxes,  
or will it die a slow death like the Linux/DEC Alpha port?

Just my € 0.01, though...

Cheers, Albrecht.

  Albrecht Dreß  -  Johanna-Kirchner-Straße 13  -  D-53123 Bonn (Germany)
        Phone (+49) 228 6199571  -  mailto:albrecht.dress at arcor.de
    GnuPG public key:  http://home.arcor.de/dralbrecht.dress/pubkey.asc
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