yum update times out

Carl Youngblood carlwork at gmail.com
Tue Mar 22 14:39:27 MST 2005

Hello, I'm trying to update a new installation of ydl 4.  It seems
like the yum repositories are overloaded, because I keep getting these
kinds of errors:

  File "/usr/bin/yum", line 30, in ?
  File "/usr/share/yum/yummain.py", line 339, in main
  File "/usr/share/yum/clientStuff.py", line 1212, in download_packages
    checkfunc=(rpmUtils.checkRpmMD5, (), {'urlgraberror':1}))
  File "/usr/share/yum/clientStuff.py", line 1327, in grab
    bandwidth, conf.retries, retrycodes, checkfunc)
  File "/usr/share/yum/urlgrabber.py", line 237, in retrygrab
    progress_obj, throttle, bandwidth)
  File "/usr/share/yum/urlgrabber.py", line 343, in urlgrab
    _do_grab(filename, fo, progress_obj, raw_throttle)
  File "/usr/share/yum/urlgrabber.py", line 387, in _do_grab
    block = fo.read(bs)
  File "/usr/share/yum/keepalive.py", line 235, in read
    s = self._rbuf + self._raw_read(amt)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.3/httplib.py", line 409, in read
    s = self.fp.read(amt)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.3/socket.py", line 301, in read
    data = self._sock.recv(recv_size)
socket.error: (4, 'Interrupted system call')

I've tried other mirrors but they all seem to be either out of date or
just as overloaded.  Is there something I'm doing wrong?  Thanks for
your help.

Carl Youngblood

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