OT - Care to share your opinion?

Thierry de Coulon tcoulon at decoulon.ch
Thu May 5 03:14:04 MDT 2005

On Thursday, 5 May 2005 02.36, Eric Dunbar wrote:

> > Apple gear does not have a longer functional life.
> I must completely and utterly disagree with that.

Well, as usuall, it depends.......

My systems office work exclusively with Macs - they had 4 machines (all 2 - 4 
years old) dying in a single week! But, on the other side, it's the first 
time this happens...

Now, I think this old war of "Macs are better than PC's) or "PC's are better 
than Macs" says little about the quality of the machines, but a lot about the 
intelligence of the flamers!

A computer is a computer. Every computer maker makes choices. You won't get 
the same quality in a high-end Thinkpad, or a Powerbook, as you would in an 
entry-level notebook PC, ibook or Mac-mini

It's a matter of personnal choice. I've got an iBook at school because I HAVE 
TO (my school runs Macs), but my notebook of choice is a Thinkpad, because I 
prefet the trackpoint and I find Linux runs better on X86. But I'm not saying 
the Thinkpad is BETTER, I'm saying I prefer it, that's my choice.

So, as the original subject was: care to share your opinion?, my answer would 
be: buy a2 years old Thinkpad "top of class", e.g. a T23 or a T30, ans you 
get a sturdy machine for little money. But that's only my opinion.


"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not
sure about the former" - Albert Einstein

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