YDL Network Installation....

Wujciak, James (US SSA) james.wujciak at baesystems.com
Wed May 25 10:09:46 MDT 2005

As part of a formal software acceptance procedure I must have a clean installation of the operating system (YDL) and our software. This is on multiple machines and has to be repeated for all of our deliverable products. (We are combinations of PowerBooks and G5 Xserves.)

Is there a way to perform an installation from a networked server? (I remember Slackware had the option and do not know if it is do-able with YDL.)

Jim Wujciak
Principal Engineer, Wide Band Products
Information and Electronic Systems Integration Inc.,
Communications, Navigation, Identification and Reconnaissance (CNIR)
Email:       James.Wujciak at BAESystems.Com

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