Streaming Audio: revisited (again)

Chris Kastorff jckastorff at
Wed May 25 22:25:38 MDT 2005

I have found a better way (better than curl, kill) during my work  
with Perl. No killing, one cron job. The script linked to must be set  
+x (chmod +x file), and the first line should be set to #!/path/to/ 
perl (which may be /usr/local/bin/perl or /usr/bin/perl or some other  
place. Run "which perl" to find out where it is if it's in your PATH.

Run it thru a cron job, something similar to this:
     20    17    *    *    3    root    /path/to/timeradiodl 3600  
http://sample/stream /mnt/music/rip/music

(this starts a record of http://sample/stream out to /mnt/music/rip/ 
music-date.mp3 on 5:27 PM Local Time on Wed for one hour. Depending  
on the system, "root" (the username) may or may not be required to be  

This works flawlessly on my OSX Machine (developed on 10.3.8, works  
on 10.4), don't know about linux, but it should work well.

The Script:

I probably should have used strict, but I was lazy.

     -Chris Kastorff (encryptio)

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