[ydl-gen] Remote Desktop YDL PS3 to OSX

Sanders, Rob M. sanders-rob at zai.com
Tue Dec 12 12:57:50 MST 2006

If you want to do what I think you want, (display your PS3 desktop on
the OS X box), its pretty easy.
I'm doing it right now from my PS3 to my dual G5.  I've got my PS3 to
run a VNC session at boot for
my default user, and I'm using CotVNC (Chicken of the VNC) on my mac to
display it.  There is a way
to have the PS3 automagically start a vnc session on request, but I
haven't done the hoofwork to set
it up.

The way I did it (probably a better way...)

1) on the ps3, turn off ipchains/iptables (forget which it is)
2) edit /etc/sysconfig/vncserver (or servers) to start the VNC session
the way you want it
3) setup a vnc password for your user 'vncpasswd'
4) edit $HOME/.vnc/xstartup and follow the instructions for uncommenting
two lines for a regular
5) enable vncserver using /usr/sbin/system-config-services
6) install CotVNC on your Mac, and off you go (Note, CotVNC did *not*
require me to use X11 on the Mac).

Hope I got it all right from memory.  Here's a link on configuring VNC
that I used....

  Good luck...


-----Original Message-----
From: yellowdog-general-bounces at lists.terrasoftsolutions.com
[mailto:yellowdog-general-bounces at lists.terrasoftsolutions.com] On
Behalf Of David Seikel
Sent: Tuesday, December 12, 2006 1:55 PM
To: yellowdog-general at lists.terrasoftsolutions.com
Subject: Re: [ydl-gen] Remote Desktop YDL PS3 to OSX

On Tue, 12 Dec 2006 11:44:54 -0700 Cameron Stark
<thirxiiiteen at gmail.com> wrote:

> Is it possible to create a remote desktop configuration between OSX
> and YDL? This (among many other things) would be helpful in making
> it more of a multimedia experience.

I'm not to sure exactly what you mean.  YDL runs X, which has always had
networking as part if it.  So you could run a remote X display to
anything that supports it.  OSX doesn't run X natively, but even
Microsoft Windows has third party programs that can be used to host
remote X displays.  I believe OSX can be kicked into an X mode with some
software from Apple.

There are also options like VNC and similar things that allow you to
create remote desktops.

I hope that is of help to you.

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