[ydl-gen] Google Earth on YDL 5.0

Brian Wood beww at bresnan.net
Mon Mar 26 20:27:44 MDT 2007

On Mar 26, 2007, at 8:10 PM, Jonathan Bartlett wrote:

>> While I have not tried it myself, my guess is that lack of 3D support
>> is not helping.  Giving us some more information would help us figure
>> out what is wrong if that is not the case.
>> The lack of 3D support on the PS3 is due to the Linux side of it  
>> being
>> locked out of the GPU.  All we can use is a miserly framebuffer.
The framebuffer-only support is still good enough to play 1920x1080  
Hi-Def video pretty well under Linux.

> Just FYI, while you can't use the GPU for 3D, you can still get GLX  
> support in YDL.  Just be sure to include the glx module in your x11  
> config.  Not at my computer right now, so I can't be specific.

I'll try that when I get a chance, but I know google earth is  
somewhat particular about its video hardware needs.

> Also, just for fun, has anyone tried the PS3 folding at home client?   
> Dang fast.  If anyone wants to join, my team number is 59478.

CNN had a story on that, fast as heck but it also draws considerable  
power, on the order of 200 watts. Running that 24/7, especially  
someplace like California or NYC, would start to add up fast.

I've also read that some retail stores that are running PS3s all day  
are starting to have thermal problems, but these are units in closed  
cabinets so that's not too surprising.

Brian Wood
beww at beww.org

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