[ydl-gen] Google Earth on YDL 5.0

Derick Centeno aguilarojo at verizon.net
Tue Mar 27 05:49:04 MDT 2007

The discussion has gone along the lines of discussing efficiency along 
electrical terms usually evaluated in terms of physics.  However, the 
fellows at Freescale are precisely correct (as well as those 
knowledgeable in using the Cell and PowerPC to it's advantage) if one is 
discussing efficiency in terms of computer architecture and the 
subcategory of memory design regarding how data is passed between the 
registers.  The same term means completely different things in different 

I'm sure everyone is familiar with that. 

Remember that in Biology it can be successfully argued that compared to 
insects, humans are the least efficient living organism. 
Viruses are even more efficient of course, but they are not living.

Best wishes ...

Hal Martin wrote:
> AFAIK from what I've heard from guys working at Freescale, the PPC 
> chip, it is *MUCH* more efficient than anything that Intel or AMD is 
> currently offering. How they can justify that when I can almost fry an 
> egg on the bottom of my PowerBook, I don't know.
> Hal

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