[ydl-gen] Google Earth on YDL 5.0

Brian Wood beww at bresnan.net
Tue Mar 27 07:01:56 MDT 2007

On Mar 27, 2007, at 2:07 AM, Derick Centeno wrote:

> It would be great to move from theory or hearsay into reality, with
> someone or a group of persons dedicating some time to this question.
> It would also would be a real boon for other potential projects as to
> how it was done and sharing that information with others for their own
> usage.
> I don't know why anyone cares so much about Vista; there are other
> interfaces such as XGL which blow it away already available for Linux.
> You can see a You-tube video of that here:

It always surprises me how much effort goes into visual interfaces  
and eye candy. 99% of what I do is from a CLI in a terminal window.

Most machines today have more raw processing power on the graphics  
card than in the main CPU.

I recall a certain word processor project (which shall remain  
nameless) where 30 guys were working on "skins" before the program  
could even manage to print anything, certainly a pretty fatal flaw  
for a WP.

But then I come from an era when upgrading from punch cards to  
punched paper tape was a dramatic event, and an ASR-33 teletype was  
pretty much the standard "high speed" interface, and 4K  (that's "K",  
not "M" or "G") of core memory was considered a lot.

> As for myself, I don't have a PS3 nor can I currently acquire the  
> other
> necessary accoutrements  for now or the near future.   So all I can
> offer are encouraging cheers.
> Derick.
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 
> --

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