[ydl-gen] Java and SPUs

Ian Rogers ian.rogers at manchester.ac.uk
Wed May 9 09:23:48 MDT 2007

Moore, Randy wrote:
> Doggies,
> When I first started experimenting with YDL on the PS3 a few months 
> ago, I installed the IBM Java 1.6 JRE/JDK and got the OpenMap GIS 
> application running in a few days time. I was a little disappointed in 
> it's performance, which I attributed mainly to the memory constraints 
> of the PS3.  I noticed that IBM just announced support for Fortran on 
> the Cell's PPU, which will allow calls to SPU code written in C/C++.
> I have experimented with the Java Native Interface to C in the past on 
> the Windows platform and was curious if anyone out there has attempted 
> JNI calls to PPU C code that creates threads on the SPU. What would be 
> really nice is an all Java solution that would allow PPU Java code to 
> create SPU threads written in Java. Has anyone heard if IBM or anyone 
> else is looking into Java on the SPU? I realize that memory is a big 
> concern, but JavaME is used in cell phones and other devices (BluRay 
> disc), so I figured there might be some chance that something is being 
> done for the SPU?
> Cheers,
> Randy
Hi Randy,

I think this may interest you:
This system is built from the interpreter only JamVM but similar systems 
should be possible with cluster/distributed JVMs such as dJVM and JESSICA.


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