[ydl-gen] making YDL lean for a PS3

David Seikel onefang at gmail.com
Thu May 10 22:54:52 MDT 2007

On Wed, 09 May 2007 18:59:42 -0400 Hal Martin <hal.martin at gmail.com>

> Perhaps you could also recompile your kernel to be compressed (it's
> in the config options), and thus use less memory.

A compressed kernel will take up less space on the disk, but gets
decompressed as it is loaded into memory, so it wont make YDL any
leaner on RAM usage.  It's likely that the kernel is already compressed

If you do feel like going the recompiled kernel route, find out which
actual modules you use and which ones you don't use, then compile them
all directly into the kernel, there is quite a bit of overhead in
loading things as modules. On the other hand, some modules prefer to
remain as modules.  Only do this sort of thing if you are comfortable
with compiling your own kernel, the TSS developers went to a lot of
trouble in setting up the kernel just right so that you don't have to,
but they have no idea what each individual really needs, so they went
with generic options sometimes.

I believe the general tendency for the TSS developers is "modules are
bad, M'kay", so you may find that you can't squeeze much out of the

If you do stick to E17, pick backgrounds with no animation, based on
small images, maybe even just a single pixel image stretched across the
screen for a single coloured background.  Unload any modules that you
don't really need.  Keep it down to one shelf.  E17 has config options
in the configuration panel (performance dialog from memory) that let
you tell it to use less memory for caches and things.

If you don't need nautilus, disable it.  The same goes for any other
package that was designed for GNOME or KDE, as they tend to drag large
parts of GNOME and KDE in with them, thus negating the memory
efficiency of light weight window managers like E17.

Measure the effect of each thing you do with a good memory meter.  Keep
an eye out for false positives when things get pushed into swap.
Sometimes things get pushed into swap just because they have not been
used for a while, and they tend to just stay there.  This is not using
up any real RAM, but may give you a false idea of what caused any
sudden drop in the amount of used memory.
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