[ydl-gen] YDL 4.1 and serial port control

Richardson, Joshua A. Joshua.Richardson at gd-ais.com
Fri May 25 10:43:26 MDT 2007

Here's another question that has me a bit stumped.  We've been running
4.0 on our xserves for quite a while now, but during this build the need
for a 64 OS has arisen, so that's why I was trying to put 5.0.1 on my
xserve.  Since I wasn't getting anywhere with that, I went with 4.1.  I
was able to install it, but only by using a cheap-o video card and
keyboard, not over a serial port.  Now, even though I have the xserve
set to boot to run level 3, it always seems to take control away from
the serial port and tries to pass it to a video card during the boot up
process.  I can ssh in fine and machine is working as expected, but I
need to have serial console access.  Any ideas or suggestions on what
I'm doing wrong?  




Joshua A. Richardson

Senior Systems Engineer

joshua.richardson at gd-ais.com

(703) 272-1761 -- Office

(540) 383-9093 -- Cell



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