[ydl-gen] If you want to be removed from the list, read this

SA sa at claborn.net
Wed Dec 10 11:26:12 MST 2008


If you want to be removed from the list, use the unsubscribe feature on this 
web page: 


as has already been described.

If you do that and you have NOT received the unsubscribe confirmation email, 
then PLEASE check your spam quarantine folders for the missing message.

I would suggest that you add fixstars.com or at least  
yellowdog-general-request at lists.fixstars.com and 
yellowdog-general-bounces at lists.fixstars.com  to your allow/whitelist before 
you even begin to unsubscribe.

If you can't use the web interface, you can send an email to 
yellowdog-general-request at lists.fixstars.com with NO subject and nothing but 
the word "unsubscribe" in the body (without the quotes). Be SURE to send 
it "from" the same address that's subscribed to the list, otherwise it will 
not help - it can't guess which address you're trying to unsubscribe, you 
have to use the exact address.

Finally, do not send "remove me" unsubscribe requests to the list. There is no 
automatic program that's going to find those messages and remove you, because 
you're sending your unsubscribe request to the WRONG place.

Send unsubscribe requests to yellowdog-general-request at lists.fixstars.com

If that still doesn't work, DON'T complain to the list: we are users just like 
you, and we can't help you. Send your complaints to the list administrator 
instead. according to the web page, the administrator is 
cmurtagh at us.fixstars.com

(Sorry Christopher ;-)   )


System Administrator - Cedar Creek Software

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