Kai Staats kstaats at terrasoftsolutions.com
Fri Feb 1 17:28:42 MST 2008

Terra Soft Solutions is a Linux software development company famous for its 
world-renowned Yellow Dog Linux operating system for the Sony PS3, Apple 
PowerPC, and IBM computers. Located just west of Old Town Loveland, Colorado, 
27 miles east of Rocky Mountain National Park and forty five minutes from 
downtown Denver, Terra Soft is housed in a fully remodeled historic building 
with a beautiful, open, fast-paced, high-tech work environment.

    Position Description
    Linux OS and applications engineer who will:
        * Develop support in Yellow Dog Linux for new platforms and devices.
        * Provide technical leadership while working under the lead engineer.
        * Support the development of a wide range of projects.
        * Occasionally travel to provide on-site support for customers. 

    Personal Attributes
        * Excellent Problem Solver.
        * Fast learner.
        * Organized.
        * Excellent oral and written communication in English.
        * Feet wet, figure-it-out, get-it-done attitude. 

    Required Skills
        * Must be familiar with Python, PyGTK, Shell scripting, Subversion.
        * C/C++ and RPM experience preferred. 

        * BSC in Computer Science, preferred.
        * Active involvement in the Open Source community, preferred. 

        * Full time, on campus at Terra Soft's Loveland headquarters.
        * Salary contingent upon experience.
        * Group health.

Qualified, enthusiastic individuals should complete the form at:

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