YDL 2.2 on Dual USB iBook

Chris Saunders yellowdog-newbie@lists.terrasoftsolutions.com
Mon, 22 Apr 2002 09:10:45 -0400 (EDT)


I've just installed YDL 2.2 on my shiny new dual USB iBook.  I have been 
running OSX for some time, and decided to wipe out my second partition and 
stash YDL there.  My problem is that Xserver is SLOOOOW.  Everytime I 
start it up, with either KDE or Gnome, it takes for-EVER.  Any pointers on 
what I should be looking for to speed this up?  I've set the monitor to 
iBook2 (2001), resolution to 1024x768, depth from 8 all the way to 24.

Thanks in advance - if there is an FAQ or URL I can visit that would be 