6100 and 2.2

Shawn Dunn yellowdog-newbie@lists.terrasoftsolutions.com
Fri, 9 Aug 2002 22:59:07 -0700

On Sat, 10 Aug 2002 01:30:04 -0400
Dylan Hand <thinkdif@optonline.net> wrote:

> Hey, I JUST got a 6100 and was wondering if I could run Linux on it.
> Is there any way you can send me like a summary of the steps you had
> to take to get this done? and will it only work with 2.2 or will it
> also work with 2.3?
To be honest, the easiest way for a newbie to install Linux on a nubus
powermac is to run MkLinux, there's a fresh user-contributed ISO out
there, and while not as current as YDL-2.3 it is fairly current, and
MkLinux was originally intended to run on the NuBus machines.....  (I
run a Pre-R1 install on my 6100 for a webserver/nameserver, and it's
been running almost 3 years without a hitch, and was my desktop for a
number of years prior to that.......)  No knock against YDL, but their
NuBus Support it basically non-existant..... 

Course, if you've got time to kill, we'll be more than happy to help you
figger out how to install YDL on that 6100...
