YDL 2.2 and pppoe

l.biagiotti yellowdog-newbie@lists.terrasoftsolutions.com
Sun, 11 Aug 2002 02:32:31 +0200

Hi all!

After posting my request for help on installing pppoe on my 6100 with Ydl
2.2 yesterday, I dug the matter a little bit more thus finding out that
pppoe.ppc.rpm is contained inside the installation cd.

i so installed it and now I have it on my disk. The problem is that during
installation the pppoe.conf file was not created and that when I type
"adsl-setup" at the prompt I get back an "E: adsl-setup command not found"
error; this inspite of the fact that back at the RoaringPenguin site, the
howtos read that in order to configure pppoe this command is the one to be

Does anybody have any comment/hint on the matter?

