About to Give up on YDL for PM 6500s

Chuck Coleman yellowdog-newbie@lists.terrasoftsolutions.com
Tue, 20 Aug 2002 12:51:11 -0700

on 8/20/02 12:36 PM, Russell T. Brunet at brunet@mac.com wrote:

> Keep in mind that linux is a free os, they don't have the time nor the
> resources to make it a "commercial" application. They are not Microsoft. I
> think the linux developers need to get credit where credit is due.

This is true except I paid for a working OS (YDL) with support and I am
getting neither.

OS 10.1x is a really nice Linux interface and it took Mac to make it fly. I
am willing to shell out $$$$ to get an OS that is stable, easy to use and
work on and not made by M$.
