Old World Install Question

Brian Alston yellowdog-newbie@lists.terrasoftsolutions.com
Tue, 31 Dec 2002 18:56:34 -0500

Hello All

	I have a PowerBook G3 Wallstreet that I want to install YDL onto. I 
believe that this machine is what is known as an "Old World" Macintosh. 
 From what I understand, I can only install YDL onto this machine with 
either OS 9 or OS X on some other partition on the computer. My question 
is, does anybody know a way to install YDL onto my Macintosh where it is 
the ONLY OS on my machine? In other words, so that I don't have to use 
OS 9 or OS X? I have limited HD space and don't want to waste it on an 
OS that I will, honestly, never use.

Thanks for your help

Brian  :-)