YD2.3 and atalk(netatalk)

Dan Burcaw yellowdog-newbie@lists.terrasoftsolutions.com
15 Jul 2002 16:24:42 -0600

Install the following and give it a try:

On Sun, 2002-07-14 at 04:58, Colin Ward wrote:
> Just doen a clean install of YD2.3. Was using 2.2 and had everything working
> very well (ibook 500 May 2001 & G4500 sawtooth). Since installing 2.3 atalk
> or netatlak won't work. I can see "localhost" from the mac side (or MOL) but
> when I try and log on I get something like "the user authentication method
> that this server uses is not available"? All I had to do in 2.2 was turn the
> atalk servise on and it worked, doesn't seem to be the case with 2.3. Anyone
> know what's going on. FWIW KDE 3 does seems to have a lot of bugs that need
> to be ironed out, printing to a USB printer is very buggy, and forget trying
> to navigate your files in konqorer, it just hangs. Does have a few nice
> touches though. Anyways if you can help with the atalk problem ?
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