How to get sudo to work?

Stephen Jonke
Wed, 31 Jul 2002 09:56:51 -0400

I'm having a hard time getting use to sudo not working (coming from OS 
X). I looked on the yellowdog web page for what allegedly was a guide to 
how to set up sudoers file, but the info is scattered/confusing 
(surprised?). As a related side note, one article makes mention of using 
the visudo command and that is in the man pages, however, it doesn't do 
anything when I type it in. I presume I need to add some directory to my 
path, but I have no idea what directory that might be. Anyway, mainly I 
just want to get sudo working, by whatever means necessary.

Now a second question: how can I install Mozilla 1.0 (or 1.1 alpha)? 
apt-get says that 0.9.9 is the latest binary. Similarly, what about 
installing Gimp? Is there an equivalent of Mac OS X's "fink" so that I 
could easily find, download, (optionally compile) and install software?
