YDL 2.2 on Rev A iMac - can't get bootloader to work

Gregory Whaley yellowdog-newbie@lists.terrasoftsolutions.com
Tue, 21 May 2002 20:17:12 -0500


I am trying to install YDL 2.2 on a Rev A iMac (Bondi) and can't get 
the bootloader to work.

Here are some details:

I have a 40 GB disk and, as directed, tried to reserve the Linux 
partitions before my OS X and OS 9.2.1 partitions, but OSX would not 
let me do that.  In installing OS X, I was forced to have OSX in the 
first partition, and the others following.  I think this is required 
by Apple, because they state on this particular machine, the OSX 
partition must lie within the first 8 GB of the disk.  See apple 
knowledge base article #106235 for more details.

Thus my partition map looks like:
/dev/hda1  Mac
/dev/hda2  Mac
/dev/hda3  Mac
/dev/hda4  Mac
/dev/hda5  Patch partition
/dev/hda6  7GB OS X
/dev/hda7  10GB OS 9.2
/dev/hda8  10MB boot
/dev/hda9  128MB swap
/dev/hda10  10GB root

Everything seemed to install fine using the install disk, but booting 
hung in a blank screen.  I was able to restore the bootloader using 
the Mac OS 9 install disk startup disk utility, so I can boot OS 9 or 

I tried to boot from the YDL install CD where at the yaboot prompt I typed:
cd-linux root=/dev/hda10

but yaboot could not find the kernel at that path.

What I would like to do is boot straight from open firmware.  Can 
anyone help me with open firmware commands to allow me to boot into 
the kernel?


Greg Whaley