What does "Errors running transaction set" mean

yellowdog-newbie@lists.terrasoftsolutions.com yellowdog-newbie@lists.terrasoftsolutions.com
Thu, 23 May 2002 21:26:07 +0000

I get the following error above during package install 
step of YDL 2.2. First off I'd like some pointers anyone 
has as to what it means.

Errors running transaction set.
Please correct this manually.

The error is not very specific in helping to identify 
the problem. So I'm at a loss as how to "correct this 

Base install works OK. But trying 
the "Internet/Intranet" set gives the error.

I have a couple of ideas
a) Disk space. I have a 700 Mb root partition - but this 
should be sufficient for the 588Mb the YDL web site says 
is needed for this install.
B) Some package required by Internet/Intranet is causing 
some specific problem - but it would be quite tedious to 
run installs a package at a time until I hit the culprit.

Some other background 
Machine: PowerMac 7500 - 32Mb RAM - BootX - MacOX 7.5.2
kernel: vmlinux
Ram disk: text 

Yes I know this is a pretty marginal install but wanted 
to get my feet wet with a working Linux install before 
deciding to add any upgrades to the 7500. Otherwise it 
ends up on eBay :)
